Article II: ChaPTer Organization
Section A: Officer Board Positions
The administrative and policy-making responsibilities of the Chapter are vested in an officer board to serve the entire academic year consisting of the following positions in order of succession:
- President
- Internal Vice President
- External Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Social Chair
- Society Representative
- Philanthropy Chair
- Fundraising Chair
- Engineering Open House Chair
- Professional Chair
- Intramurals Chair
- Technology Master
- Sister Chapter Chair
- ChemE Car Chair
- Regional Conference Chair
- Freshman Representative
The President, External Vice President, Internal Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary will comprise the Executive Board. The Executive Board will meet whenever deemed necessary by the president during the school year in order to facilitate and evaluate the Chapter's progression towards its goals.
The officer board, by vote of ¾ of the officer board members, has the power to extend its membership by creation of a new and clearly defined officer position. Each new position may be constitutionally defined by a subsequent addition of an amendment to this constitution. The removal of an executive board position shall constitute a repetition of the above process and is effective on the final day of the semester during which the vote is made.
Section B: Eligibility
All officer board members must be undergraduate ChBE majors in good standing at the University, unless less than two undergraduate ChBE majors run for a position. At that time, it is open to all undergraduate students in good standing with the University. Transfer students that have completed all ChBE transfer requirements may run as ChBE majors. All officer board members must also hold the membership grade of paid active membership immediately prior to running for office. If a candidate has four points by the time he/she is running for office, he or she will be allowed to run for office if the officer completes the sixth point by the end of the semester.
If an officer will be absent for a semester during the time that they would serve on the board, they are ineligible for any position. Alternatively, any position besides President and those heads a committee can be split among two officers.
In addition to the requirements set further in the previous paragraph, the Chapter president must also have held an executive board position prior to election to the office of president or be nominated to run by the Executive Officer Board. In the case when less than two executive board members run for the office of president, any member of the officer board shall be eligible. In the case when no candidates who seek the office of president fulfill the above requirements, presidential requirements shall only be defined as in the previous paragraph.
The Freshman Class Representative must be a freshman.
The position of ChemE Car Chair must be filled by someone who has been on ChemE Car Team previously.
The position of Regional Conference Chair must be filled by someone who has previously been in that position or has been active on the committee (excluding the first year of establishing the position).
Section C: General Officer Responsibilities
Each officer shall be required to document all typed correspondences, informational publications, records of events and all other records of his/her activities. This documentation shall also include all event assessment forms that he/ she completed during his/her term. This record shall be transferred to the new officers before the end of the academic year to facilitate the transfer of administrations. The Chapter shall provide any supplies that Board members require in fulfilling their duties. Each officer is also endowed the power to form a committee to assist with the responsibilities of a position pending a majority vote among the executive and officer board. Each officer shall be also responsible for maintaining office hours in the AIChE office and attending all relevant chapter events barring conflicts. Each officer shall also follow all procedures and rules as outlined by the AIChE Officer Handbook.
For a current officer to be eligible to run for office again, he/she must obtain at least two Tier I points, at least two Tier II points, and at least a cumulative six points each semester that he/ she is in office. Officers must attend one half of all AIChE events or receive warning leading to disciplinary action (i.e. impeachment) if the behavior persists. Throughout the school year, each officer is required to participate in either ChemE Car or the Mentor Program. During the spring semester, each officer is required to participate in Engineering Open House to some capacity—this could be participating in a group, mentoring a group, volunteering for the Chapter’s EC requirements, or helping the EOH chairs with setting up/ taking down EOH exhibits.
Section D: Committee Involvement
Any officer may organize and lead a committee if it is beneficial to the chapter. Committee formation must be proposed to the executive board and approved by majority rule, then introduced to the officer board and approved again by majority rule. Committees may be structured at the discretion of the officer in charge. The President of the chapter serves as an ex-officio member on all committees within the chapter. The requirements of the committees are as follows:
- Members may serve on only one committee within the chapter. This promotes more member involvement
- Committees must be useful to committee members and the organization, or the committee will be dissolved by the Executive Board in conjunction with the committee head
Section E: President
The following shall be the responsibilities of the President during his/her term:
- Act as the chief executive officer of the chapter
- Execute the rules and laws of the Chapter as established by the constitution
- Preside over all general body meetings
- Serving as an ex-officio member of all other committees
- Preside over Officer and Executive Board meetings for the purpose of organizing general meetings and other AIChE events
- Delegate authority and tasks to each of the officers in an organized and fair manner
- Oversee and maintain the proper registration of the organization with all appropriate organizations within the University and the University itself
- Maintain the goals of the Chapter to the best of his or her abilities and to encourage the other officers to do likewise
- Maintain the AIChE e-mail account
- Serve as a representative for AIChE to the faculty or correspondence with industry (that does not overlap with the office of External Vice President)
- Plan the regional and national conference trips in conjunction with the External Vice-President
- Preside, along with the Treasurer, over the overall allocation of the organizations money and the compilation of an itemized budget
- Veto any distribution of the organizations funds that the President deems inappropriate.
- Veto any event that is held in the name of AIChE if the event is deemed as harmful to the organization
- The President shall be notified of all publications, flyers, and letters that bear the AIChE logo or that represent the organization in due time before they are published. The President can halt the distribution of any such document(s) if deemed that the document(s) is not representative of the organization.
- Should an individual be required to account for responsibility in any legal or criminal affairs involving the Chapter as a whole, the president is to be held responsible.
- Work with the ChBE Undergraduate Advisory Board in order to help with the ChBE Department as a whole
- Take on the responsibility of any vacant officer position and have the power to delegate duties associated with the position to other officers
- Perform a yearly review of the constitution with Officer Board.
- Oversee officer board transition and officer board documentation.
Section F: Internal Vice President
The following shall be the responsibilities of the Internal Vice President during his/her term:
- Maintaining good relations between the Chapter and organizations within the University
- Organizing and running the Mentor Program
- Organizing and running the Host Program
- Organizing the distribution of any awards or scholarships that Chapter endorses
- Working with the secretary in creating end-of-the-semester goody bags for active members
- Organizing office hours and open office events
- Oversee inclusion of transfer students
- Serve as chair of Internal Relations Committee
- Facilitate officer bonding events
Section G: External Vice President
The following shall be the responsibilities of the External Vice President during his/her term:
- Assisting the President in the performance of his or her duties and shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President
- Maintaining contact with corporations regarding the organization of general body meetings, funding requests, plant trips, etc.
- Acquiring room reservations and any further details required for smooth running of general body meetings including contracting speakers, when necessary, and obtaining any equipment they may require
- Planning plant trips
- Storing and organizing all external AIChE correspondences
Section H: Treasurer
The following shall be the responsibilities of the Treasurer during his/her term:
- Maintenance of all AIChE expense accounts including the Department of Chemical Engineering Account, the Registered Student Organizational Account, and all private accounts
- Collecting and maintaining a record of due paying members
- Keeping adequate financial records and permit their inspection by any officer or the Advisor of the Chapter upon request
- Maintain budgetary records of each officer
To avoid automatic impeachment (See Article V, section B) the treasurer must:
- Submit the received reimbursement forms within two weeks of receiving them
- Email the person confirming that the forms were turned in
- Answer questions and follow up the reimbursement process when it takes longer than usual
- Deposit checks written to the chapter within two weeks of receiving them
Section I: Secretary
The following shall be the responsibilities of the Secretary during his/her term:
- Work with Technology Master to maintain sign-in sheets at all meetings and collecting member points from the officers for their committee members
- Work with the Interval V.P. to organize the membership recognition awards and scholarships, including but not limited to Most Active Member and semester AIChE Scholarships
- Publicizing all AIChE meetings, socials, and other events by e-mail, classroom announcements and fliers posted throughout Roger Adams Lab, Noyes Lab, and Chemistry Annex per University regulations
- Upkeep of all display cases and bulletin boards maintained by AIChE
- Publish a newsletter. The newsletter will highlight the previous month's activities and accomplishments as well as announce upcoming events. The format of the newsletter is left to the chair, but it should be presented in a manner that is professional, informative, and entertaining
- Email a weekly update to the general body
- Maintain an alumni database to the best of his/her ability
- Organize AIChE test files and enforcing all AIChE test file policies
- Organize officer clean up events to keep our office well maintained for officer and member use
- Maintain the AIChE social media accounts (Illinois AIChE Facebook and Instagram)
- Serve as chair of Publicity Committee
Section J: Social Chair
The following shall be the responsibilities of the Social Chair during his/her term:
- Plan and budget for all social events including any picnics, cook-outs, banquets, and happy hours (all events are to remain non-alcoholic)
- Promote faculty and student interaction through these events
- Organize and utilize a committee consisting of volunteers
Section K: Society Representative
The following shall be the responsibilities of the Society Representative during his/her term:
- Serve as an AIChE Representative to all organizations
- Attend all Engineering Council General Meetings
- As an AIChE Representative, report pertinent information to the Board and make appropriate announcements on behalf of AIChE when required
- Preside over, along with the President, the completion of any forms or application that are related to the organizations stated above, including funding for the National and Regional annual conferences
- Ensure active participation in E-week, including the formation of teams
Section L: Philanthropy Chair
The following shall be the responsibilities of the Philanthropy Chair during his/her term:
- Oversee the organization of all AIChE volunteering
- Preside over the REAChE program
- Organize the publication of a Technical Elective Guide and Technical Work Survey for the Chapter membership
- Organize fundraisers for philanthropy events, such as but not limited to Relay for Life
Section M: Engineering Open House Chair
The following shall be the responsibilities of the EOH Chairs during their terms:
- Promoting safety in project development and assuring all project plans are approved and overseen by a safety advisor who is a faculty member in the Department of Chemical Engineering
- Organizing and executing the annual College of Engineering Open House for the Department of Chemical Engineering
- Organizing projects, project leader, project workers for EOH
- Attending all Engineering Council (EC) meetings concerning EOH
- Interacting with EC the Chemical Engineering Department and the College of Engineering on all items pertaining to EOH
Section N: Professional Chair
The following shall be the responsibilities of the Professional Chair during his/her terms:
- Plan and organize workshops to increase professional development skills for members
- Maintain updated resume booklet to send out to company sponsors
- Have good relation with the SCS Career Services to collaborate on events
Section O: Intramurals Chair
The following shall be the responsibilities of the Intramural Chair during his/her term:
- Determining the sports of interest and signing up Chapter intramural teams
- Recruiting and organizing participants for the games
- Maintaining the team jerseys
- Acting as captain or finding a captain for the teams
Section P: Technology Master
The following shall be the responsibilities of the Technology Master during his/her term:
- Maintaining and updating the AIChE website
- Maintaining and updating the AIChE calendar
- Overseeing any technological challenges encountered by the Chapter
- Work with the Secretary to maintain sign-in sheets at all meetings and collecting member points from the officers for their committee members Maintaining and updating a point database for the Chapter’s paid members
- Work with the Regionals Chairs on any conference website needs
Section Q: Sister Chapter Chair
The following shall be the responsibilities of the Sister Chapter Chair during his/her term:
- Maintain relations with Sister Chapter’s Officer Board
- Plan cultural exchange events such as video chats and gift exchanges
- Organize Pen Pal program and recruit members to participat
- Work with president to secure new sister chapter if needed
Section R: ChemE Car Chair
The following shall be the responsibilities of the ChemE Car Chair during his/her term:
- Organize a ChemE Car team to compete at National and Regional conferences
- Work with faculty to acquire lab space and necessary equipment
- Report to the officer board monthly on the progress of the team
- The chair must have been on the ChemE Car Team in the past
- Assemble and submit key ChemE Car documents including, but not limited to, the Engineering Design Package, safety forms, and the competition poster.
- Work with the Regional Chairs to organize the regional ChemE Car Competition if preparing to host regional conference
Section S: Regional Conference Chair
The positions of Regional Conference Chair is a temporary board position established upon a successful bid for a future Regional Conference up to the point when the conference has been executed and an officer report has been filed for future reference. The following shall be the responsibilities of the Regional Conference Chair during his/her term:
- Planning and executing the AIChE North Central Regional Student Conference 2015
- Setting up and running a committee to oversee the event
- Presenting monthly updates at officer meetings to inform the board of planning and committee progress
- Writing a report each semester on all activities that will be given to the President and the Faculty Advisor
- Organize ChemE Car competition for regional conference
- Schedule speakers, panels, and workshops from both corporate and student perspectives
- Organize the regional conference career fair
- Secure funding through the department and corporate sponsorship program by working with the EVP and President
- Organize the research paper and poster competitions and collect submissions
- Work with the Technology Master on creating a website
- Prepare all internal shirts, logos, publicity, and hand outs for the event
- Executing the welcome mixer, tours, jeopardy, and banquets
- Work with the department and university to secure room requests for the event, hotel accommodations, and shuttles for other chapters
Section T: Freshman Class Representative
The following shall be the responsibilities of the Freshman Class Representative during his/her term:
- Organize freshman only events
- Announce AIChE events in freshman chemistry and ChBE classes
- Oversee freshman committee dedicated to freshman participation and events